MEI International Award-Winning Solutions

Facts & Figures

The benefits of Solar Thermal Systems

Better space utilization, 1 MWth needs 2500 m2.
Mature robust technology, can be retrofitted into conventional heating in 3 to 6 months max.
Comparatively cheap storage with possibility to reach 100% Solar with seasonal storage.
There’s no need for a 3rd party or authorities approval. It’s solely between MEI and the client.
Short payback of approx. 2 to 5 years in Jordan for most cases

The benefits of Solar Thermal Systems

The benefits of Photovoltaic Systems

PV Systems are able to produce electricity freely without any need of fossil fuel and connection.

PV panels provide clean/green energy.

They need low maintenance due to that the moving parts used in the system are low.
Solar panels cost is currently on a fast reducing track and is expected to continue reducing for the next years

The market segments most suitable for each collector type.