Solar Thermal

Industrial Process Heating
Low-temperature industrial process heat is a significant consumer of energy for several sectors including textiles, tanneries, food, and beverage (including breweries), confectionary, laundries, heavy fuel oil storage, Aluminium galvanization, and mining. MEI understands large-scale solar heating, these applications/industries, as well as the integration between the two. From solvent extraction and electro-winning (SX-EW) to leaching, MEI has implemented successful projects and/or developed designs for such specific applications.
Industrial Steam
Concentrated solar collectors are used to achieve temperatures of 100°C to 350°C depending on the collector type. Medium temperature steam is achievable through a variety of collector technologies to support industrial and commercial needs.
Concentrated solar collectors provide direct steam generation or provide heat to a heat exchange utilizing a heat transfer fluid, providing customers with significant fuel savings depending on the nature of their operation and the space available for the collector field that can be roof or ground mounted.
Hot Water
Millennium offers solar systems for domestic hot water at various scales whether it is for individual home owners, hospitality, or industrial applications, Millennium has a solution. Domestic hot water solar systems can be integrated with other services, or used independently.
Large Applications
For larger commercial applications, ranging from residential to universities, hospitals, malls, and district heating plants, Millennium has a successful track record in designing and installing some of the world’s flagship solar heating projects that are integrated with conventional hot water supply systems, and other thermal applications such as space or swimming pool heating.
Small Residential Applications
For small residential applications, “solar water heaters” that are suitable and available in various sizes and configurations, is an efficient standalone automated system that comes with the following features:
- Evacuated Tube Solar
- Collectors.
- Cylindrical (Heat)
- Storage Tank.
- Backup Heating Element.
- Control Device.
- Circulating Pump.
Space Heating
Millennium space heating system designs include suitable heat storage equipment that can prolong the utility of the solar heating system. Solar can be utilized for all type of central heating systems (under floor, radiator, fan- coil, and radiation panel), however, the efficiency will vary depending on the type of heating system employed, and the nature of the client’s requirements.
Solar Cooling
Solar cooling employs heat driven chillers to provide cold water to condition air through fan coil units or under floor heat transfer systems. Heat driven cooling technology relies on commercially and proven heat driven chillers that have been deployed globally, utilizing less than 1% of the electricity that the traditional compressor system utilizes. Despite this, solar cooling is in its infancy with approximately 1000 installations, primarily pilot projects that have successfully leveraged. More than 200 solar cooling systems have been installed in Europe.
The application of solar cooling is economical, especially when the solar collector field is also available during the winter for heating purposes.
Pool Heating
Millennium provides solar heating projects for indoor and outdoor swimming pools during the summer and winter seasons. Solar system design is customized depending on the pool size and layout, as well as the customer heating needs and expectations.
Solar heating can fully serve its purpose in the summer and partially in the winter. Millennium has implemented small and large pool heating projects including water parks, many of which are integrated with space and domestic water heating.